Here's the lid of the coffin cut out:
Getting the sides of the lid glued and screwed down:
Lid is almost done!:
Whew! Lid is done!:
The bottom is done... as my youngest siblings offered to show:
Better picture of it being complete:
And what's left...
Lots and lots. This thing is like... indestructible as promised. In fact... it got slammed going up the flight of steps into my apartment without even a scratch. (Whew, getting something almost 5 feet long into an upstairs apartment = tough!) The only down side that I see is exactly what I warned you about when it started: It weighs a LOT. From what I can tell, it's sitting at a whooping 26.5 pounds. I mean, I can lift it easily enough (I can't wait until it has handles though... its hard to lift because of its bulky size.)
So, the plan.
The top of the coffin is going to have to be foam to keep it from weighing more then 30 pounds. I will coat the foam in a special liquid-plastic I have (it hardens to plastic) so its less capable of being damaged but it wouldn't be able to be banged around like the rest of it. But luckily the foam is way less painful to carve then wood so I can get right to work on it. About a million hours of sanding should get the wooden part of the coffin completely finished. XD It needs to be severely sanded to make parts of it flat, make it evened up all the way around.